Installing Anaconda Distribution#

Using Anaconda in a commercial setting?

You might need to purchase a license to stay compliant with our Terms of Service.

This page provides instructions for installing Anaconda Distribution on Windows, macOS, and Linux.


If you prefer an installation without the extensive collection of packages included in Anaconda Distribution, install Miniconda instead.

Miniconda is a free, miniature installation of Anaconda Distribution that includes only conda, Python, the packages they both depend on, and a small number of other useful packages.

Basic install instructions#


If you’ve installed multiple versions of Anaconda Distribution, the system defaults to using the most current version, as long as you haven’t altered the default install path.

Windows installation


More of a visual learner? Sign in to Anaconda Cloud and watch the Installing Anaconda (Windows) video in our Get Started with Anaconda course. This video guides you through installation in a quick two minutes.

  1. Download the installer from the Anaconda website or by using your preferred command line interface:

    On, register with Anaconda and click Download.

    Open a Command Prompt window and run the following command:

    curl --output .\Downloads\Anaconda3-2024.10-1-Windows-x86_64.exe
    To download a different version

    View a full list of Anaconda Distribution installers in the official archive.

    To download a different version of Anaconda Distribution, copy the Filename of an installer from the archive, then download it using a curl command:

    # Replace <FILENAME> with the installer Filename you copied from the archive
    curl<FILENAME> --output <FILENAME>


    Ensure that you are downloading an installer that is compatible with your operating system!

    Open a PowerShell window and run the following command:

    wget "" -outfile ".\Downloads\Anaconda3-2024.10-1-Windows-x86_64.exe"
    To download a different version

    View a full list of Anaconda Distribution installers in the official archive.

    To download a different version of Anaconda Distribution, copy the Filename of an installer from the archive, then download it using a wget command:

    # Replace <FILENAME> with the installer Filename you copied from the archive
    wget "<FILENAME>"" -outfile ".\Downloads\<FILENAME>"


    Ensure that you are downloading an installer that is compatible with your operating system!

  2. (Recommended) Verify the integrity of your installer to ensure that it was not corrupted or tampered with during download.

    How do I verify my installer’s integrity?

    To ensure that your downloaded installer has not been tampered with or corrupted, generate its SHA-256 hash value and compare it to the official hash provided in the archive.

    1. Open PowerShell and run the following command:

      # Replace <INSTALLER_FILE> with the name of the downloaded installer file
      Get-FileHash .\Downloads\<INSTALLER_FILE> -Algorithm SHA256

      For example:

      Get-FileHash .\Downloads\Anaconda3-2024.10-1-Windows-x86_64.exe -Algorithm SHA256
    2. Note the generated SHA-256 hash value from the output.

    3. Visit to find the official SHA-256 hash for your installer.

    4. Compare the hash values. If they match, the installer is safe to use.


    For more information, see cryptographic hash verification in the official conda documentation.

  3. Go to your Downloads folder (or Home folder if downloaded via CLI) and double-click the installer to launch.


    To prevent permission errors, do not launch the installer from the Favorites folder.


    If you encounter issues during installation, temporarily disable your anti-virus software during install, then re-enable it after the installation concludes. If you installed for All Users, uninstall Anaconda and re-install it for Just Me only.

  4. Click Next and then agree to Anaconda’s Terms of Service (TOS).

  5. Select an installation option:

    • Just Me (Recommended) - Install Anaconda Distribution for the current user account.

    • All Users - Install Anaconda Distribution for all user accounts on the computer (requires Windows Administrator privileges).

  6. Click Next.

  7. Select a destination folder to install Anaconda, then click Next.


    • The installation directory path cannot contain spaces or Unicode characters. For more information, see the FAQ.

    • Do not install as Administrator unless admin privileges are required.

  8. Customize your installation options:

    • Create shortcuts - Selected by default. Creates Start Menu shortcuts for the Anaconda Navigator, Spyder, Jupyter Notebook, and Anaconda Prompt packages. Deselecting this option skips creating these shortcuts.

    • Add Anaconda3 to my PATH environment variable - Adds the path that contains the conda binaries to your PATH environment variable.

      Anaconda does not recommend selecting this option. The conda binaries path contains other package binaries, which are permanently added to your PATH environment variable, even if no conda environment is currently active. This makes it possible for other software to use these package files, which might lead to errors.


      Unless you plan on installing and running multiple versions of Anaconda Distribution or Python, open Anaconda Navigator or the Anaconda Prompt from the Start Menu to begin your environment management work.


      As of Anaconda Distribution 2022.05, the option to add Anaconda to the PATH environment variable during an All Users installation has been disabled. This was done to address a security exploit. You can still add Anaconda to the PATH environment variable during a Just Me installation.

    • Register Anaconda3 as my default Python 3.12 - Selected by default. Registers the Python package in this install as the default Python for programs like VSCode, PyCharm, etc.

    • Clear the package cache upon completion - Runs conda clean --all --force-pkgs-dirs after the install finishes. For more information on these commands, see the conda command documentation.

  9. Click Install. The installation might take a few minutes to complete. Click Show details to view the packages being installed.

  10. Click Next twice, then click Finish to close the installer.


    If you are behind a company proxy, you might need to do some additional setup. For more information, see Using Anaconda behind a company proxy.

macOS/Linux installation


More of a visual learner? Sign in to Anaconda Cloud and watch the Installing Anaconda (Mac) video in our Get Started with Anaconda course. This video guides you through using the graphical installer in a quick two minutes.


The graphical installer for macOS installs Anaconda into /opt/anaconda3 in your file system. If you want to install Anaconda into your Home directory or if you have multiple users on a system and want to manage your installation more carefully, Anaconda recommends following the instructions in the macOS Command Line installer tab.

  1. Download the graphical (.pkg) macOS installer for your system.

  2. (Recommended) Verify the integrity of your installer to ensure that it was not corrupted or tampered with during download.

    How do I verify my installer’s integrity?

    To ensure that your downloaded installer has not been tampered with or corrupted, generate its SHA-256 hash value and compare it to the official hash provided in the archive.

    1. Open Terminal and run the following command:

      # Replace <INSTALLER-FILE> with the name of the downloaded installer file
      shasum -a 256 ~/Downloads/<INSTALLER-FILE>

      For example:

      shasum -a 256 ~/Downloads/Anaconda3-2024.10-1-MacOSX-x86_64.pkg
    2. Note the generated SHA-256 hash value from the output.

    3. Visit to find the official SHA-256 hash for your installer.

    4. Compare the hash values. If they match, the installer is safe to use.


    For more information, see cryptographic hash verification in the official conda documentation.

  3. Double-click the downloaded file and click Continue to start the installation.

  4. View the Read Me instructions and click Continue.

  5. Read through Anaconda’s Terms of Service (TOS) and click Continue, then click Agree to agree to the terms.


    For installer versions 2023.09 or older, the installer might skip the Destination Select page during installation, which will cause the installation to fail. If the installer skips this page, click Change Install Location… on the Installation Type page to get to this step.

  6. Choose an install location:

    • Install for all users of this computer (Recommended) - Installs Anaconda Distribution into /opt/anaconda3 for all users of the computer.

    • Install on a specific disk - Enables you to choose a different location to install Anaconda Distribution.


    If you get the error message “You cannot install Anaconda in this location,” reselect Install for all users of this computer and try again.

  7. Click Install. The installation may take a few minutes to complete.


    If you get the error message “This package is incompatible with this version of macOS,” please see here for troubleshooting help.

  8. Click Continue.

  9. Click Close to exit the installer.

  1. Download the installer by opening a terminal and running one of the following commands (depending on your macOS architecture):

    curl -O
    curl -O
    To download a different version

    View a full list of Anaconda Distribution installers in the official archive.

    To download a different version of Anaconda Distribution, copy the Filename of an installer from the archive, then download it using a curl command:

    # Replace <FILENAME> with the installer Filename you copied from the archive
    curl<FILENAME> --output <FILENAME>


    Ensure that you are downloading an installer that is compatible with your operating system!

  2. (Recommended) Verify the integrity of your installer to ensure that it was not corrupted or tampered with during download.

    How do I verify my installer’s integrity?

    To ensure that your downloaded installer has not been tampered with or corrupted, generate its SHA-256 hash value and compare it to the official hash provided in the archive.

    1. Open Terminal and run the following command:

      # Replace <INSTALLER-FILENAME> with the name of the downloaded installer file
      shasum -a 256 ~/<INSTALLER-FILENAME>

      For example:

      shasum -a 256 ~/
    2. Note the generated SHA-256 hash value from the output.

    3. Visit to find the official SHA-256 hash for your installer.

    4. Compare the hash values. If they match, the installer is safe to use.


    For more information, see cryptographic hash verification in the official conda documentation.

  3. Install by running the following (depending on your macOS architecture):

    bash ~/
    bash ~/
  4. Press Return to review Anaconda’s Terms of Service (TOS). Then press and hold Return to scroll.

  5. Enter yes to agree to the TOS.

  6. Press Return to accept the default install location (PREFIX=/Users/<USER>/anaconda3), or enter another file path to specify an alternate installation directory. The installation might take a few minutes to complete.

  7. Choose an initialization options:

    • Yes - conda modifies your shell configuration to initialize conda whenever you open a new shell and to recognize conda commands automatically.

    • No - conda will not modify your shell scripts. After installation, if you want to initialize, you must do so manually. For more information, see Manual shell initialization.

  8. The installer finishes and displays, “Thank you for installing Anaconda3!”

  9. Close and re-open your terminal window for the installation to fully take effect, or use the following command to refresh the terminal:

    source ~/.zshrc
Manual shell initialization

Once installation has successfully completed, initialize your shell by running the following command:

# Replace <PATH_TO_CONDA> with the path to your conda install
source <PATH_TO_CONDA>/bin/activate
conda init --all

If you want to specify the shell to initialize, see conda init in the official conda documentation for a list of supported shells.


macOS 10.15 and later use zsh as the default shell. Once installation process has completed, initialize conda in a zsh shell by running the following commands:

source <PATH_TO_CONDA>/bin/activate
conda init zsh


You can also control whether or not your shell has the base environment activated each time it opens. The following commands only work if conda has been initialized first:

conda config --set auto_activate_base True
conda config --set auto_activate_base False
  1. Download the latest version of Anaconda Distribution by opening a terminal and running one of the following commands (depending on your Linux architecture):

    • The linux-aarch64 package builds might not be compatible with certain Raspberry Pi setups, as Anaconda uses compiler options that target the server-class Neoverse N1/N2 microarchitecture.

    To download a different version

    View a full list of Anaconda Distribution installers in the official archive.

    To download a different version of Anaconda Distribution, copy the Filename of an installer from the archive, then download it using a wget command:

    # Replace <FILENAME> with the installer Filename you copied from the archive


    Ensure that you are downloading an installer that is compatible with your operating system!

  2. (Recommended) Verify the integrity of your installer to ensure that it was not corrupted or tampered with during download.

    How do I verify my installer’s integrity?

    To ensure that your downloaded installer has not been tampered with or corrupted, generate its SHA-256 hash value and compare it to the official hash provided in the archive.

    1. Open Terminal and run the following command:

      # Replace <INSTALLER-FILENAME> with the name of the downloaded installer file
      shasum -a 256 ~/<INSTALLER-FILENAME>

      For example:

      shasum -a 256 ~/
    2. Note the generated SHA-256 hash value from the output.

    3. Visit to find the official SHA-256 hash for your installer.

    4. Compare the hash values. If they match, the installer is safe to use.


    For more information, see cryptographic hash verification in the official conda documentation.

  3. Install Anaconda Distribution by running one of the following commands (depending on your Linux architecture):

    bash ~/
    bash ~/
    bash ~/
  4. Press Return to review Anaconda’s Terms of Service (TOS). Then press and hold Return to scroll.

  5. Enter yes to agree to the TOS.

  6. Press Return to accept the default install location (PREFIX=/Users/<USER>/anaconda3), or enter another file path to specify an alternate installation directory. The installation might take a few minutes to complete.

  7. Choose an initialization options:

    • Yes - conda modifies your shell configuration to initialize conda whenever you open a new shell and to recognize conda commands automatically.

    • No - conda will not modify your shell scripts. After installation, if you want to initialize, you must do so manually. For more information, see Manual shell initialization.

  8. The installer finishes and displays, “Thank you for installing Anaconda3!”

  9. Close and re-open your terminal window for the installation to fully take effect, or use the following command to refresh the terminal, depending on your shell:

    source ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.zshrc
    exec fish
Manual shell initialization

Once installation has successfully completed, initialize your shell by running the following command:

# Replace <PATH_TO_CONDA> with the path to your conda install
source <PATH_TO_CONDA>/bin/activate
conda init --all

If you want to specify the shell to initialize, see conda init in the official conda documentation for a list of supported shells.

Navigator dependencies

Anaconda Navigator is included with Anaconda Distribution by default. However, the following extended dependencies might be required for certain versions of Anaconda Distribution in order to use Anaconda Navigator (and other GUI packages) with Linux:

apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libegl1-mesa libxrandr2 libxrandr2 libxss1 libxcursor1 libxcomposite1 libasound2 libxi6 libxtst6
yum install libXcomposite libXcursor libXi libXtst libXrandr alsa-lib mesa-libEGL libXdamage mesa-libGL libXScrnSaver
pacman -Sy libxau libxi libxss libxtst libxcursor libxcomposite libxdamage libxfixes libxrandr libxrender mesa-libgl alsa-lib libglvnd
zypper install libXcomposite1 libXi6 libXext6 libXau6 libX11-6 libXrandr2 libXrender1 libXss1 libXtst6 libXdamage1 libXcursor1 libxcb1 libasound2 libX11-xcb1 Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libEGL1
emerge x11-libs/libXau x11-libs/libxcb x11-libs/libX11 x11-libs/libXext x11-libs/libXfixes x11-libs/libXrender x11-libs/libXi x11-libs/libXcomposite x11-libs/libXrandr x11-libs/libXcursor x11-libs/libXdamage x11-libs/libXScrnSaver x11-libs/libXtst media-libs/alsa-lib media-libs/mesa


You can also control whether or not your shell has the base environment activated each time it opens. The following commands only work if conda has been initialized first:

conda config --set auto_activate_base True
conda config --set auto_activate_base False
Verify your install

Anaconda Navigator, the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for conda, should automatically open after successful installation of Anaconda Distribution.

If it does not, verify your installation by opening the application manually, or by using the CLI:

  1. Search for “Anaconda Navigator” in the taskbar search.

  2. Select Anaconda Navigator.

  1. Click Launchpad.

  2. Select Anaconda Navigator.

You can also use Cmd+Spacebar to open Spotlight Search and search for Navigator.

  1. In most Linux distributions, use Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal application.

  2. Open Navigator by running the following command:


If Navigator does not open, review our help resources.

  1. Access the CLI for your operating system:

    1. Search for “Anaconda Prompt” in the taskbar search.

    2. Select Anaconda Prompt.

    1. Use Cmd+Spacebar to open Spotlight Search.

    2. Type “Terminal” and press Return to open.

    In most Linux distributions, use Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal application.

    You should see (base) in the command line prompt. This tells you that you’re in your base conda environment. To learn more about environments, see Environments.

  2. Run any conda command. For example:

    • conda list - Displays a list of packages installed in your active environment and their versions.

    • anaconda-navigator - Opens Anaconda Navigator.

Advanced install options#

For more advanced installation instructions, such as installing with silent mode, installing on older operating systems, or multi-user installs, see Advanced installation.

Other ways to get Anaconda or Miniconda#

For instructions on using Anaconda Docker images or the Anaconda Cloudera Distributed Hadoop cluster, see Applications/Integrations.


What’s next?#

Get started programming with Anaconda in the Getting started with Anaconda guide.

Visit Anaconda Cloud to start programming for FREE in a notebook. Learn how from Anaconda Learning, too!